Joining SIMET
How to subscribe
Any person, of any professional background, can apply for membership in the Italian Society of Tropical Medicine and Global Health. Each of you enriches us with your wealth of experience.
In order to apply for membership, you must complete this application form and email it to segreteria@simetweb.eu
The application will be instructed by the Executive committee and approved at the next SIMET meeting. If two presenting members are not available, it is possible to submit the application anyway, requesting the availability of two members.
Membership guarantees periodic receipt of the newsletter, access to SIMET events (e.g., Il Caffè (corretto) della sera), access to SIMET notebooks and other educational materials, discounted registration to SIMET and FESTMIH congresses, voluntary participation in working groups and other projects.
The annual fee (effective since 01.02.2024), valid from January to December of the same year, is:
- € 50.00 for those working in medical, veterinary and health management (biologists, chemists, physicists, pharmacists, psychologists)
- € 35.00 for health professions not mentioned above, non-health professions, and persons in training (e.g., residents)
Payment is to be made to postal account no. 85328003, “Società Italiana di Medicina Tropicale e Salute Globale” c/o Dip. MIPI – Viale Regina Elena, 299 – 00161 Roma”.
IBAN code
IT47 N076 0103 2000 00085328003
Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Roma
Tel. +390649906102
Società Italiana di Medicina Tropicale e Salute Globale
Copyright © 2023 - SIMET p.i./c.f. 80457790584